
Project Organization: Degree to which project organization (or lack thereof) poses a threat to the successful completion of the project.  Criteria include:

·      Logical team structures with appropriate reporting and review policies and procedures

·      Logical project organization

·      Project organization communicated via a project organization chart

·      Clearly defined and understood roles an responsibilities

Project Timeline: Ability for project team to identify and meet a project timeline.  Criteria include:

·      Complete project schedule based on a detailed and accurate forecast/workplan

·      Factors that could ensure or prevent project completion within the allotted timeline (such as dependence on 3rd party vendors, available resources, etc.)

·      Project team confidence in the timeline

·      风险评估组为:

·      风险评估的缺乏组织级别的管理(或缺乏)威胁项目圆满结束标准包括:

·      团队结构合理,适当的政策和程序的报告,审查 

·      合理安排项目  

·      项目组织委员会组织图

·      作用的认识明确责任

·      项目时间:与项目团队能力也跟时间有关系。

·      标准包括:

·      按计划完成项目详细、准确的预测和工作 

·      保证项目建设在指定的时间完成因素, (如第三方依靠供应商资源等)  

·      项目组的确认时间

Project Budget: Ability for project team to identify, track, and meet a project budget.  Criteria include:

·      Complete project budget based on a detailed and accurate forecast of internal personnel, external (contractor) personnel, and hardware/software required for the project

·      Completed AFE to allow tracking

·      Factors that could cause the project to meet or overshoot the budget

Project Resources: Degree to which availability of properly skilled personnel and other resources (if applicable) impact the ability for the project to complete successfully.  Criteria include:

·      Appropriate skills for project team members (on an individual and overall team basis)

·      Adequate number of project team members based on project timeline/workplan

·      Reliance on external resources

·      项目预算:

·      符合项目团队能力方面项目预算.

·      标准包括:

·      完成项目预算的详细和准确的内部人员、外来人员()、硬件和软件所需项目  

·      使完成Afe追踪  

·      造成的项目达到或越过预算因素  

·      项目资源:提供适当程度的技术人员和其他资源(如适用)影响项目顺利完成能力。

·      标准包括:

·      有关技术工程人员(个人与团队整体基础) 

·      项目的工程人员和工作足够的时间

·      依靠外部资源

Business Risk: Degree to which the project poses a threat to the overall business as well as a catch-all for other miscellaneous factors that could impact the successful completion of the project.  Criteria include:

·      Impact that project delays, cost overruns, or other failures would have on other projects as well as the overall business

·      Miscellaneous factors that could ensure or prevent the successful completion of the project

A.    Deliverable(s)

1)      Project Team Risk Assessment

See Example A

2)      PMO Project Risk Assessment

See Example B

B.     Roles and Responsibilities

The PMO Project Risk Assessment is prepared by the PMO Project Manager(s), reviewed with the individual project team managers and PMO Manager, and presented to the PMO Steering Committee.


·       影响项目延误、成本超支,或有其他项目和企业的整体 

·       杂项因素,保证预防和项目顺利完成

happywangsir@sohu.com 发表于 2009/8/26 20:25:00 阅读全文 | 回复(0) | 引用通告 | 编辑 | 收藏该日志


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