
PMO Steering Committee Charter

A PMO Steering Committee has also been established at KN Energy.   This PMO Steering Committee consists of senior-level management responsible for the business segments and information technology.  The committee is responsible for setting PMO and Project Management direction. The committee tracks the progress and status of all the projects within the scope of the PMO.  One of the purposes of the PMO Steering Committee is to resolve critical issues among PMO projects.  The PMO Steering Committee performs the following key roles and responsibilities:

·        Maintain a highly visible and involved project oversight role.

·        Require, recognize and reward good project management.

·        Insist that all project stakeholders participate actively in Project Steering Committees.

·        Encourage inter-project communications.

·        Insist upon scrutiny of third party involvement and results.

·        Ensure that AFE’s or some other defined process is functioning effectively for cost tracking.

These activities are intended to enforce among other things, the importance of good project management skills.  The PMO Steering Committee assures the availability of critical resources and support from all business units.


         KN能源设立了PMO的指导委员会, 这个指导委员会由高级信息技术和经营管理部门构成,该委员会负责制定PMO和项目管理方面的方针。 委员会方面的管理范围包括所有项目的程序和进展情况。解决重大问题是PMO的指导委员会的目的之一, PMO指导委员会的主要任及职责:  

·      保持高度关注项目,包括监督作用.  

·      承认和奖励好的项目管理.  

·      要求各有关方面积极参与项目指导委员会.

·      鼓励项目中的沟通

·      坚持第三方的复杂情况和成果的检查. 

·      确保AFE的程序规定等行之有效的成本跟踪. 

      这些活动等需要加强,必须有良好的项目管理能力. PMO的指导委员会提供重要保证和支持各业务单位的资源.

Risk Identification, Mitigation and Assessment Procedures

A.    Philosophy

Risk, by its very nature, is subjective.  As a result, measuring risk is generally a subjective exercise.  The PMO tries to reduce this subjectivity in two ways.  First, both the project team (through its risk assessment document) and the PMO  (as an independent party) make risk assessments.  Second, for the PMO evaluation, a consistent set of questions and criteria regarding project risk factors across all projects tracked by the PMO is applied.  The questions and criteria are grouped into logical project management categories.  The answers to these questions feed statements of risk to the project with respect to the defined categories. The risks are then assigned severity based on a limited scale (that is the same for all projects).  Doing so provides a quick review of a project’s overall risk, hot spots that need attention, and risk with respect to other projects.

All statements of project risk also need to be grounded in fact.  For example, it is not sufficient to simply say that there is a high risk that a project won’t finish on time due to resource constraints.  The statement must be followed with factual findings such as adequate numbers of sufficiently trained personnel not being available to the project based on other, known commitments.



    风险的性质是主观的,因此,风险衡量一般主管活动。PMO尝试从两个方面减少主观性。首先,目组(通过风险评估报告)PMO(作为独立结构)作风险评估。二、作为PMO评估,要建立所有项目风险转移统一的标准,这些问题分为标准、合理的项目管理范畴。 这些问题的答案就确定项目风险类别、严重性。在有限的范围内分配,这样可以迅速审查项目整体风险的热点,加以重点关注,与其他项目也是有联系的。 

         所有国家都需要项目风险的基础事实. 例如,不足以说有高风险项目按时完成标准化由于资源. 事实说明还有,如未能提供足够的人才与项目的承诺等问题.

B.    Process

1)     Project Team Risk Assessment

Each project under PMO purview must create and maintain a Risk Assessment.  This document is discussed in detail in the PMO Project Management Requirements. 

2)     PMO Risk Assessment

The PMO will prepare a Project Risk Assessment (see Example B) to be reviewed with each project team being assessed and then presented to the PMO Steering Committee.  The assessment groups risk into:



 每个项目必须建立并保持PMO范围风险评估. 该文件详细讨论了PMO项目的管理要求.  

2)   PMO风险评估 


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